
⚠️ W związku z organizacją uroczystości pn. „Odsłonięcie tablicy pamiątkowej poświęconej Artylerzystom czeskim i słowackim walczącym w bitwie pod Jasłem” w dniu 15 stycznia 2025 r. w godzinach od 11:00 do 14:00 nastąpi czasowe wyłączenie z ruchu odcinka ulicy miasta Jasła: ul. Kościuszki (od skrzyżowania z ul. Rejtana do skrzyżowania z ul. Armii Krajowej).


[g1_row] [g1_1of3] [g1_lead]

A lead is the opening paragraph of a post or a page. It informs the reader what’s the main idea of the article. But you can also use it elsewhere.


Now this is a text following the lead paragraph. See the difference? Vivamus fringilla lacinia feugiat. Etiam malesuada odio vel ipsum posuere, vel ultricies est consequat. Mauris id tempus odio. Aenean at turpis ex.

Cras gravida nibh enim, ac rhoncus nisl dignissim a. Praesent efficitur pellentesque tellus sed finibus. Sed aliquam vehicula erat, quis facilisis ante congue at.

[/g1_1of3] [g1_1of3]

Vivamus fringilla lacinia feugiat. Etiam malesuada odio vel ipsum posuere, vel ultricies est consequat. Mauris id tempus odio. Aenean at turpis ex.


A lead is the opening paragraph of a post or a page. It informs the reader what’s the main idea of the article. But you can also use it elsewhere.


Cras gravida nibh enim, ac rhoncus nisl dignissim a. Praesent efficitur pellentesque tellus sed finibus. Sed aliquam vehicula erat, quis facilisis ante congue at.

[/g1_1of3] [g1_1of3] [g1_lead]

A lead is the opening paragraph of a post or a page. It informs the reader what’s the main idea of the article. But you can also use it elsewhere.


Now this is a text following the lead paragraph. See the difference? Vivamus fringilla lacinia feugiat. Etiam malesuada odio vel ipsum posuere, vel ultricies est consequat. Mauris id tempus odio. Aenean at turpis ex.

Cras gravida nibh enim, ac rhoncus nisl dignissim a. Praesent efficitur pellentesque tellus sed finibus. Sed aliquam vehicula erat, quis facilisis ante congue at.

[/g1_1of3] [/g1_row]
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